
  • TECOM’s “All-Smart Portable Vibration Diagnosis Instrument” is a new generation vibration
    measurement instrument for machine equipment. The portable case contains IoT (Internet of Things)
    Gateway, smart vibration sensors, and standard mobile power-pack. Craft person can
    carry to site for measurement diagnosis operations.
    The Gateway connects 4 sensors, and its WiFi allows multiple craft persons for simultaneous  analysis.

    On-Site use of the instrument
    Bring the portable instrument case to the site,
    measure :
    ◆ 3-axis RMS values and compare against the motor vibration specifications, judge for normal   or over-value.
    ◆ Examine the FFT data, look into the vibration energy distributions on frequency domain and   diagnosis for the four possible defects :
    Bearing defects, In-alignment, Un-balance and Softfoot.
    * The four items represent 90% of a motor’s mechanical failures.
    ◆ IoT and Smart Phones work together on the interactive diagnosis.
    ◆ Record all measured data and diagnosis results, for the motor’s future health reference.



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