  • - Power supply... 3-phase 200V 50/60Hz control 200V, 220V 60Hz control 220V
    (400V class is also avaliable)…3 - Phase 400V 50/60Hz control 200V, 440V 60Hz control 220V                                                                                                                                                                                                                3 - Phase 380V 50Hz control 48V (100V and 24V are also avaliable)
    - Operating Method... Push button switch operations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - Rating…30 min. (JIS C 9620)
    - Power Supply System …Both trolley feeding and cable feeding are available. However, neither trolley nor cable is attached.
    - Enclosure…Simplified outdoor type (JIS 0920, Equivalent to IP44)
      (Rainproof cover is required, when it is used in the open air.)
    - Applicable Standard …JIS C 9620 electric hoist/crane structure standard
    - Color Coating … Main Body : Metallic gray (Equivalent to Munsell N4.0)
     Hook Block : Munsell 7.5YR7/14
     Pushbutton : Equivalent to Munsell 7.5YR7/14
    - Ambient Air Temperature …10°C to 40°C (Non Congelation)
    - Ambient Relative Humidity …90% or less (Non Condensing)


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