LOVEJOY Liberal Disc Coupling Series 4000
The following document is intended for the explicit use of Lovejoy customers to aid in the installation of Lovejoy power transmission products. The information may be considered privileged and should only be disseminated as an active part of conducting business with Lovejoy, Inc. Although the coupling may have been properly specified during the design and selection process before the coupling was ordered, operational conditions could possibly have changed prior to installation. Lovejoy, Inc. provides the information and technical support necessary to ensure the appropriate coupling selection was made relative to the product specifications and limitations of Lovejoy’s power transmission products. The end user is ultimately responsible for verifying the suitability of the final coupling selection based on the actual service conditions at the time the coupling is installed. Correct installation and alignment practices will ensure longer coupling life, trouble free operation, and a safer operating environment for the coupling. Please thoroughly review all of the instructions in this document prior to installing this coupling and placing it in operation. Proper safety guidelines and practices should always be followed during every phase of the installation.
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