Introduction This guide provides basic information about IEC low voltage motors. In this context, low voltage refers to motors that operate at voltages less than 1 000 V and produce a maximum power of 1 000 kW. The reference values provided in this guide apply specifically to ABB’s Process performance motor range. The designation IEC means that the motors conform to standards developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission. For example, IEC standardizes the frame size of motors; in the case of Process performance motors, there are frame sizes starting from IEC frame 56 in the aluminum range up to 450 (millimeters from shaft to base) in the cast iron motor range. More recently, IEC standards have specified how motors should be classified into energy efficiency classes.
In this overview, motors are classified primarily according to their fundamental physical differences, and secondarily, according to their purpose of use. Accordingly, we divide motors into two ranges of induction motors, four types of motors for explosive atmospheres, frequency controlled motors, most notable of which are synchronous motors, and special application motors. The last category of motors include, for example, marine motors, brake motors, and smoke extraction motors, which are based on the basic induction motor but have modifications that vary according to the purpose of use. Their features are not further described here.
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