Belt Filter Press

Belt Filter Press

  • Features: High-efficiency sludge dehydration machine utilizing belt press feature with a large quantity of sludge treatment, automatic operation, low power consumption, low noise, simple and semi-enclosed structure. Easy maintenance and operate. Able to treat sludge consistency at 0.4 – 2.5 %.

    Application: Suitable for sludge dewatering of various industrial wastewater treatment plants. The sludge dewatering of the butchery, livestock. The sludge dewatering of the city sewer, excretion, water purifying, etc. Sewage treatment plants. Solid and liquid separate under processing for the food & beverage, chemical industry, mine, etc.

  • Belt width : 500 – 3000 mm
    Treating capacity : up to 125 m3/hr
    Dry sludge capacity : up to 1200 kg.ds/h
    Water content rate : 65 – 85%
    Power : Up 4 kw
    Material : SUS304

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