Lovejoy offers a variety of designs and models in its gear coupling family. From standard, off-the-shelf stock to new, high speed, special designs-Lovejoy can satisfy your gear coupling needs.
Lovejoy / Sier-Bath gear couplings are stocked in a wide assortment of configurations, which include C and F standard hubs and sleeves, Mill Motor hubs, Vertical style, Floating Shaft, and Spacer designs. Lovejoy’s superb engineering staff makes it possible to support many additional coupling types such as the Brake Drum type, Sliding Hub type, Shear Pin, Jordan type, and custom lengths for non-standard shaft separations. Additional size ranges and designs to meet unusual application requirements can also be manufactured by Lovejoy to meet market demands. Material can range from standard steel, to alloy steel and even stainless steel. The exceptional simplicity of the Lovejoy coupling design makes this all possible.
Applications for Lovejoy gear couplings are numerous. Continuous and flanged sleeve gear couplings are known for serve applications involving extended distances between shaft ends, mill motors, and limited end float situations. Lovejoy nylon sleeve gear couplings are known for their effectiveness in motor/ generator sets, motor/pump sets, and many other light duty industrial settings
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